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  • What electronics do you accept?
    We accept all household and commercial electronics, including desktops, laptops, phones, servers, switches, drives, and other common items that have electronic boards. We also accept printers, copiers, fax machines and anything with a screen. If you are unsure, please contact us at (954) 874-5454.
  • Do you accept household appliances?
    We do not take household appliances, and this includes small household appliances such as toasters, coffee pots, and even microwave ovens. We also do not accept A/C systems thou they are considered e-waste.
  • What about the information on my computer?
    We have a strict data distruction policy and follow guidelines from the National Institute of Standards and Technology in their publication 800-88, Rev. 1 - Guidelines on Data Sanitization. The information (data) on every hard disk drive that is received by Green Owl Tech Recycling is completely destroyed in accordance with these guidlines so that no data can ever be retrieved.
  • Do you charge recycling fees?
    Electronics recycling is a commodities-based business. This means the cost to recycle certain items may flucuate from time-to-time, and some items which were free to recycle now cost something to recycle. For this reason Green Owl Tech Recycling charges small fees to recycle some items, and usually this is only recoup all or some of what we are charged.
  • Can you pay me for my electronics?
    Generally the answer is no, but that is not to say that your used electronics don't have some value. Remember, we exist to try to give your end-of-life electronis a "new life" with someone else to keep them from being recycled for a few more years. When we do this successfully, we get paid and that is how we pay our bills. But, if you are a business that has equipment that is less than 3 years old, and maybe even if you're an individual, give us a call and we can discuss a revenue-sharing arrangement with you.
  • Do you take batteries?
    We do not take alkaline batteries but we take every other type of battery including rechargable batteries containing lead acid, lithium, nickel-cadmium, and nickel metal hydride.
  • What recyclables don't you take?
    We do not accept recyclables such as glass, wood, cardboard, paper-products, paint, chemicals, solvents, tires, aerosol cans, and hazardous wastes. Check with your local municiple waste carrier for hazardous waste collection sites or curbsite pickup dates.
  • What about those really old monitors or know...the really big ones with the big back that aren't flat?
    Ah, you mean CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitors or TVs! These are actually some of the most hazardous e-waste we collect because the handling, storage, and processing of these is so dangerous to those who handle them, and potentially to our environment. We accept CRT monitors and TVs and we charge a fee based on the weight.
  • What happens to my equipment once I give it to you?
    We determine if it works and if it may have a 2nd life in it for someone else who perhaps does not have as high a computing demand as you have. If the equipment needs minor repairs or refurbishing, we do that, and then we send the computer on it's way with a new hard disk drive either through eBay or through one of our local wholesale buyers. For equipment that cannot be repaired or that we determine is too costly to repair, we first remove parts that can be used in other equipment we receive and then properly recycle what remains. We do all this consistent with SERI's R2:2013 strategic direction to Reuse, Recover, and then Recycle.
  • What are you really recycling?
    Believe it or not, most electronics are nearly 100% recyclable. Common materials that are recovered through the recycling process include glass, copper, aluminum, tin, steel, iron, plastic, silver, platinum, and gold.
  • Why shouldn't I put electronics in the trash?
    Some of the components inside electronics are made up of harmful and highly toxic substances such as lead, mercury, beryllium, lithium, cadmium, BRFs (Brominated Flame Retardants), PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls), and PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride). If incinerated these substances can release small partciles in the form of pollution into the air that we breathe. Worse, if these electronics are dumped into landfills where they will take decades to degrade, the toxins will slowly be released in the earth and make their way into water supplies causing undterminable damage to the environment and the water that we drink. More importantly, just way shouldn't they be properly reused? Given a second life for those who need it? Harvest for needed parts? Then properly recycled? Even if you don't believe incinerating or landfilling is harmful, why do it when you can give it to someone who needs it?
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