Green Owl Gives
Green Owl Tech welcomes requests for donations of computing equipment no matter how big or how small. We adhere to the SERI R2:2013 hierarchy of responsible management strategies for managing end-of-life electronics with a policy to first try to use all or part of a computer that still has usable life, even if we have to invest some resources in parts and labor to repair or refurbish the items. This complements our charter as a Florida Benefit Corporation existing to benefit to the environment and the public interest, which in this case is to see more and more computers re-used; and, less and less computers improperly recycled!
Donation requests must be made via application. No phone requests or in-person requests will be considered. All applications are handled on a first-come first served basis. Green Owl Tech cannot address requests made by individuals. Requests must be made by Not-for-Profit Organizations, Charities, Child or Adult Care Facilities, or Educational Institutions on behalf of themselves or individuals they serve.
If you are not certain if you are eligible, or if you have questions about the Green Owl Gives program, call our office at (954) 874-5454.